You can Win when you Follow the Cheese!
We monitor the big market players and figure out which way they're betting.
Our idea is to follow them, as they seem to know the turning points.
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The chart below displays our proprietary Cheese Factor indicator. This indicator is calculated relative to the S&P 500, but it can be applied to other indexes and markets, such as DOW, NASDAQ, etc. PLEASE, NOTE -- the last 20 days of the Cheese Factor and the Cheese Forecast (the yellow line) are hidden from non-subscribers.

Select time period for viewing: 1-mo  2-mo  3-mo  6-mo  1-yr 
CHART EXPLANATION: When Cheese Factor appears positive (green) it means traders are buying bullish instruments, and so they expect the market to go up. When Cheese Factor becomes negative (red), it indicates traders are buying bearish instruments, and so they expect the market to go down. Higher spikes represent more intense buying activity, while repeating bars represent commitment over time.

THE YELLOW LINE is all you need -- that's our Cheese Forecast. When the yellow line turns up, the market should folow up, and when the line turns down, the market should follow down. Learn More

PLEASE, NOTE -- the most recent 20 days of the Cheese Factor and the Cheese Forecast (the yellow line) are hidden from non-subscribers. Subscribe Now, or if you are a current subscriber, please Login Here

So, how accurate is this?
As with other things in life, there is no silver bullet. Even though we are following smart money traders, they can be off. Things are not going to line up perfectly, and if they did, the market would find a way around it. But, it is close enough, and it gives us advance notice of an upcoming turn -- that's where the value is.

What is the system's track record?
We do not issue buy/sell signals or reccommend trades. You can judge the track record by the amount of directional corellation of the Cheese Forecast (the yellow line) with S&P 500.

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Timing technology provided by OptionMeter
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The content published on this site is for your information only. No warranty is given as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information. We do not issue buy/sell recommendations and we do not guarantee profitability of any particular investment. If you trade, you must bear responsibility for your own actions, and accept the possibility of loss. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.